College is a time in your life where you will have many experiences. A lot of those experiences involve parties and events that you attend. When you graduate these are the moments you will look back on. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a token from the event? In the form of a nice picture, you took with your friends as a way to remember the memorable night you all spent together.

This is where photo booths come in. Taking a selfie might be great but to truly make a moment and immortalize it, you need a proper picture. And you can take a great one at a photo booth. Usually, photo booths come equipped with a fun theme and crazy props.

Here are some reasons you should have an around the world in 80 days themed photo booth at your next college party!

  1. Make Solid Memories

    Like we mentioned before, with a photo booth you are guaranteed to have pictures from the event and they will not be blurry selfies you took in which your own face was half cropped out of the shot. A photo booth will ensure all your friends along with you is actually in the frame. And add to that the fact you will be able to see your outfits. You can actually relive the night again when you look at the pictures since you will have more details to remember; what you wore, what your hair and makeup looked like and which one of your friends were there.

  2. Fun Pictures to Compare

    A theme that is Around the World in 80 Days might be great to look back on. Looking at yourself in front of a backdrop that has different locations around the world can be a great reminder of how far you have come since you were at college; especially if you have now been to one of those locations. Pictures from your Around the World in 80 Days photo booth can be a great way to make comparison collages in the future to entertain friends and family.

  3. Your Party will be a Hit

    If you want to ensure that people have fun at your party, get a photo booth, Los Angeles, with a fun theme to ensure they take some fun pictures which they can remember the night by in. This will go a long way in making sure other people come to future parties.


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